Saturday 1 August 2009

Day 1 - The peoples view

So you've seem what we did, now I'll show you how we did it.

To Build your boat you will need the following tools:
A Jigsaw
A Drill
More Clamps

So we clamped a plank of timber to the table and put the traced plan over it. Then using the jigsaw we cut around it leaving a bit of space for planning.

Cian starts it off, note the sunglasses instead of goggles (Couldn't find any)

Eoin Studies the curve of the frame and decides that its just not right.

I correct the curve of the frame under Eoins guidance

Eoin Finishes off the top of the frame.

Liz and Cian Admire Eoins work on Finishing the top of the Frame.

And there you have it one half of one frame in one day!

Disclaimer: Events protrade above may have happened in a different order or not at all. Pictures may have been taken posed. Any similarity between studing the frame and pooing is entirely humorious.

Boat Building - Day 1

Well work has begun on the boat. A bunch of us started cutting out the frames last week. The following is what was done on Day 1.

This is what we built!

And using the power of paint we can see what it is ment to look like

In terms of scale the above is around the length on my leg. It still needs some planeing but otherwise it seems to match up to the plans quite well so thats good. Speaking of plans:

The first thing that had to be done was to trace out the frames.

This was done with the aid of greaseproof paper.

Thursday 11 June 2009

The wood has been ordered from and will be ready on Tuesday for collection.

Woohoo! Lets get this show started!

Monday 31 December 2007

The plans.

There is alot of them.

Sunday 30 December 2007

Book 2

The other book. This one has lots more advice.

The book

Has some good advice in it.

Where the boat will be built part 5

The boat will then have to go down this lane. The narrowest point is 9ft leaving lots of room.

Where the boat will be built part 4

Ronan studies the gate from the outside.

Where the boat will be built part 3

This has to to cleared first.

Where the boat will be built part 2.

Thats the gate that the boat has to go though.

Where the boat will be built.

Where the boat will be built is where the photo was taken. As you can see we've already started resource consolidation. (Note Pile)

Watch Videos on Boat Building